


As Ebenzer Scrooge, the miserly cold-hearted boss, is visited by four ghosts from the past, present and the future, on a freezing Christmas Eve, he must face up to how his self-interested, penny pinching behaviour has impacted his own life and those around him, leaving him in a paranoid bubble of fear. Is it too late for him to save the spirit of Christmas, and himself?


盖-皮尔斯 Guy Pearce 安迪-瑟金斯 Andy Serkis 乔-阿尔文 Joe Alwyn 夏洛特-莱利 Charlotte Riley 娜塔莎-卡尔扎克 Natasha Culzac 杰森-弗莱明 Jason Flemyng 斯蒂芬-格拉汉姆 Stephen Graham 雯叶特-罗宾逊 Vinette Robinson 约翰尼-哈里斯 Johnny Harris 鲁特格尔-哈尔 Rutger Hauer 凯万-诺瓦克 Kayvan Novak