

讽刺的是,坏人们会给我们带来不少乐趣。Birth.Movies.Death. 报道说,华纳将花费数千万美元重拍X特遣队的不少场景,为影片添上轻松气氛。据知情人士透露,粉丝对预告中波西米亚狂想曲等元素大加赞赏,制片方想要看到更多这样的元素,我对此完全同意~

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is many things, but it is not fun to watch. It’s a movie steeped in darkness, and any brief moment of levity is like a ray of sunshine breaking through a hurricane of despair. It’s a movie you endure rather than enjoy, and if people are going to see a blockbuster film, they tend to want something that might make them smile more often than not.

Ironically, that good feeling may come from the bad guys. Birth.Movies.Death. is reporting that Warner Bros. is putting “tens of millions of dollars” into reshoots forSuicide Squad to make the film more lighthearted. A source tells BMD that all of the levity in the “Bohemian Rhapsody” trailer was pretty much every single joke in the film, and since fans responded so well to that trailer, the studio wants more of it for the movie. That means more jokes and more banter, and I’m absolutely fine with that.

本新闻转载自:人人美剧 | 作者:人人美剧